Event date
- Emergency Care/Trauma
- 1.00 AMA P...See more
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour trauma series presentation featuring Nita Gupta, MD, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Children’s Minnesota..You will need to register prior to the 10:00 am start on the day of the presentation or you will not be able to join once the presentation begins.
- Emergency Care/Trauma
- 1.00 AMA P...See more
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour trauma series presentation featuring Kara Kowalczyk, MD and Patricia Frost, RN, PHN, MS, PNP.You will need to register prior to the 10:00 am start on the day of the presentation or you will not be able to join once the presentation begins.
- Emergency Care/Trauma
- 1.00 AMA P...See more
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour trauma series presentation featuring Kimble Richardson, MS, LMHC, LCSW, LMFT, LCAC.You will need to register prior to the 10:00 am start on the day of the presentation or you will not be able to join once the presentation begins.