Event date
- Trauma Ser...See more
- 1.00 AMA P...See more
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour recorded trauma series presentation featuring Kara Kowalczyk, MD and Patricia Frost, RN, PHN, MS, PNP
- Grand Roun...See more
- 1.00 AMA P...See more
This is a one hour recorded grand rounds presentation featuring Rod Tarrago, MD, Chief Medical Information Officer of Health Data, AI and Pediatrics at Amazon Web Services.
- Emergency Care/Trauma
- 1.00 AMA P...See more
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour trauma series presentation featuring Nita Gupta, MD, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Children’s Minnesota..You will need to register prior to the 10:00 am start on the day of the presentation or you will not be able to join once the presentation begins.
- Cardiovasc...See more
- 1.00 ACPESee more
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour pediatric grand rounds presentation featuring Cathleen Pruitt, MD, MSCI.
- Nursing
- 1.00 ANCCSee more
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour clinic in the classroom presentation featuring Stephanie Fritch Lilla, MD and Nikki Anderson, PhD, LP.
- Pharmacology
- 1.00 ACPESee more
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour pediatric pharmacy update presentation featuring Annika Cook, PharmD.
- 1.00 ACPESee more
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour pediatric grand rounds presentation featuring Alice Swenson, MD, Children's Minnesota Midwest Children's Resource Center.
- Value and Clinical Excellence
- 2.75 ACPESee more
The healthcare environment exposes healthcare workers to unexpected and near miss events, including patient harm and medical errors. Leader interaction provides a unique opportunity for leaders to offer support, assist with navigating resources available and establish follow up support. Healthcare Leader Supporting Staff workshop focuses on how leaders play a vital and critical role in supporting their team members after unexpected and near miss events.Workshops are limited to 16 participants each with a 5-person waitlist.
- Pharmacology
- 1.00 ACPESee more
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour pediatric pharmacy update presentation featuring Meagan Grierson, PharmD.