Event date
  • Emergency Care/Trauma
  • 4.00 AMA P...See more
  • 4.00 ANCC
This trauma internal education modules focuses on hospital-based violence intervention. Hospital-based violence intervention programs provide services to violently injured individuals beginning in the hospital settings and extending into the community. Hospital-based violence intervention programs vary in the specifics of their design and scope, but typically include a brief intervention in the emergency department or at the hospital bedside, followed by intensive community-based case management services in the months following the injury.
  • 4.00 AMA P...See more
  • 4.00 ANCC
In the dynamic realm of healthcare, the ethical considerations surrounding pediatric trauma demand a nuanced understanding to ensure the well-being of the youngest and most vulnerable patients. This module will delve into the complex intersection of medical practice and ethical decision-making, providing insights into the unique challenges posed by pediatric trauma scenarios. Join us as we explore the principles, dilemmas, and best practices that guide healthcare professionals in delivering compassionate and ethically sound care to children facing traumatic medical situations.
  • Emergency Care/Trauma
  • 4.00 AMA P...See more
  • 4.00 ANCC
The Western Pediatric Trauma Conference features nationally renowned faculty in the fields of pediatric trauma, pediatric surgical sub-specialties, critical care, emergency medicine, and pre-hospital care. This Children's MN trauma department was proud to participate in this year's conference. The papers selected for this module are highlights from this year's meeting.Please read the follow the papers and answer the corresponding questions to complete the module. 
  • Trauma Ser...See more
  • Behavioral Health/Mental Health
  • 1.00 AMA P...See more
  • 1.00 ANCC
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour recorded trauma series presentation featuring Ellie Wilson, Executive Director for Autism Society of Minnesota.
  • Grand Roun...See more
  • Emergency Care/Trauma
  • 1.00 AMA P...See more
  • 1.00 ANCC
This is a one hour recorded grand rounds presentation featuring Tanya Glaser, MD.
  • Trauma Ser...See more
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • 1.00 AMA P...See more
  • 1.00 ANCC
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour recorded trauma series presentation featuring Song Khang, RN.
  • Emergency ...See more
  • 4.00 AMA P...See more
  • 4.00 ANCC
Hospital violence intervention programs (HVIPs) embrace a public health approach to violence prevention and are grounded in data that indicates victims of interpersonal violence are at elevated risk for reinjury and are susceptible to engaging in retaliatory violence as a “natural” response borne out of societal pressure. Moreover, HVIPs acknowledge the well-documented impact of violent trauma on one’s emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing.
  • Trauma Ser...See more
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • 1.00 AMA P...See more
  • 1.00 ANCC
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour recorded trauma series presentation featuring Dr. Thomas Wyatt, Senior Medical Director, Emergency Services | Hennepin County Medical Center | Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine | U of Minnesota Medical School.
  • Trauma Ser...See more
  • 1.00 AMA P...See more
  • 1.00 ANCC
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour recorded trauma series presentation featuring Dr. Andrew Baker, Chief Medical Examiner with Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office. 
  • Trauma Ser...See more
  • 1.00 AMA P...See more
  • 1.00 ANCC
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour recorded trauma series presentation featuring Dr. Zahraa Al-Lawati.).
