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Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour recorded clinic in the classroom presentation featuring Stephanie Fritch Lilla, MD and Nikki Anderson, PhD, LP.
  • Nursing
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour clinic in the classroom presentation featuring Stephanie Fritch Lilla, MD and Nikki Anderson, PhD, LP.
  • Nursing
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour clinic in the classroom presentation featuring Jafar Hasan, MD, Pediatric Ophthalmologist, Insight Vision Care, Children's Minnesota.
The Jill Davis Intensive Care Nursing Fund was created by Stephen and Jodi Davis and their children, Jenny, Tim, and Beth Anne Davis in memory of their daughter and sister Jill. Jill passed away following her open-heart surgery at 13 months. Through this fund, it was their hope to provide annual continuing education to healthcare professionals in intensive care to aid in their ability to provide high-quality patient care, much like Jill received. This conference is designed for nurses and any other health professionals that care for patients in the pediatric critical care setting. 
  • Nursing
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour clinic in the classroom presentation featuring Mike Raschka, PharmD, BCPPS, DPLA, Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator and Residency Program Director, Children's Minnesota.
  • Nursing
Build resilience for accepting change and embracing growth. Hear from Diversity and Inclusion Activist Dr. Yohuru Williams, Professional Certified Coach Sarah Ciavarri, Music Therapist Erin Frees, Director of Mental Health Pat Vitale and Children's Minnesota Registered Nurse Rachel Haunty. Engage in interactive activities and have fun with self-care opportunities and giveaways! Learn to lead with more purpose, joy, meaning, and connection.  
