Event date
- Emergency Care/Trauma
- 1.00 AMA P...See more
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour trauma series presentation featuring Nita Gupta, MD, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Children’s Minnesota..You will need to register prior to the 10:00 am start on the day of the presentation or you will not be able to join once the presentation begins.
- Cardiovasc...See more
- 1.00 ACPESee more
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour pediatric grand rounds presentation featuring Cathleen Pruitt, MD, MSCI.
- Nursing
- 1.00 ANCCSee more
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour clinic in the classroom presentation featuring Stephanie Fritch Lilla, MD and Nikki Anderson, PhD, LP.
- Pharmacology
- 1.00 ACPESee more
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour pediatric pharmacy update presentation featuring Annika Cook, PharmD.
- 1.00 ACPESee more
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour pediatric grand rounds presentation featuring Alice Swenson, MD, Children's Minnesota Midwest Children's Resource Center.
- Value and Clinical Excellence
- 2.75 ACPESee more
The healthcare environment exposes healthcare workers to unexpected and near miss events, including patient harm and medical errors. Leader interaction provides a unique opportunity for leaders to offer support, assist with navigating resources available and establish follow up support. Healthcare Leader Supporting Staff workshop focuses on how leaders play a vital and critical role in supporting their team members after unexpected and near miss events.Workshops are limited to 16 participants each with a 5-person waitlist.
- Pharmacology
- 1.00 ACPESee more
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour pediatric pharmacy update presentation featuring Meagan Grierson, PharmD.
- General Pediatrics
- 1.00 ACPESee more
Children's Minnesota hosts this one-hour pediatric grand rounds presentation featuring Jane Allen, APRN CPNP-PC, Children's Minnesota Neurosurgery Clinic and Victoria Herlofsky, DPT, Children's Minnesota Roseville Rehabilitation.
- Value and Clinical Excellence
- 4.00 ACPESee more
Peer Support Salon Workshops are structured gatherings where multi-disciplinary caregivers engage in a facilitated conversation to exchange perspectives and ideas about practice based on their experiences. Participants will experience social connection by forming and informing a salon conversation, followed by training on how to lead a Peer Support Salon conversation. Peer Support Salons are a proactive approach to enhancing the culture of safety at Children’s Minnesota.This workshop will be offered quarterly in-person at the Children's Business Campus.
- Behavioral...See more
- 1.00 AMA P...See more
Detail will be provided about parent behavior management (of ADHD symptoms) that can lead to improvement in functioning. Providers will learn information they can share directly with families in their clinic, and what they can expect from other providers (such as behavior therapists, occupational therapists, and school personnel). School-based supports for ADHD will be discussed to inform providers of the evidence-based interventions that make a difference in the school setting.