LJune2023 Virtual ED Simulation Series: C- Spine injuries with C- Collar education

The ED Simulation Series for June contains the following components:

Lunch and Learn Session - held virtually.
Simulation Session - held on the St. Paul Campus only for this month.

You may sign up for one or both of the components of the activity. If you are unsure of your plans, please sign up for all components you are interested in, and we can cancel/unenroll you from any components you do not attend. 

Target Audience

Heathcare professionals working in the emergency department

Learning Objectives

  • Identify indications for C-Collars 
  • Identify C- Collars used at Children’s MN
  • Identify how to properly fit C- Collars 
Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

Please see each individual session for specific faculty information. 

Accreditation is listed for each of the components on their individual activity sites. 

Please login or register to take this course.
Please login or register to take this course.
Please login or register to take this course.

The ED Simulation Series for June contains the following components:

Lunch and Learn Session - held virtually.
Simulation Session - held on the St. Paul Campus only for this month.

You may sign up for one or both of the components of the activity. If you are unsure of your plans, please sign up for all components you are interested in, and we can cancel/unenroll you from any components you do not attend.