L072423 TNCC

Edina, MN US
July 24, 2023 to July 25, 2023


Trauma Nurse Course Course (TNCC) is a 1.5 day course (Day 1 7:30am-4:00pm; Day 2 7:30am-12:00pm) designed to provide core-level trauma knowledge and psychomotor skills associated with the delivery of emergency nursing care to the trauma patient. Day 1 is a 7.5 hour virtual format, day 2 includes 4.5 hours of in-person skills stations and TNP skill testing. Completion of 3.5 hours of online pre-learns are required to attend the class. 4 weeks prior to class, participants will receive an information email from ENA on how to access the pre-learns and register for the day 2 skills sessions. Completion of the course requires successful passing of the TNP skills assessment and completion of an online open book exam post class.

Note: There will be a $100 cancellation fee due to the cost of the book and administration fees.

Target Audience

Nurses who care for trauma patients in the Emergency Department and in the hospital

Learning Objectives

  • Identify and care for acute trauma patient
  • Present a systematic assessment model
  • Integrate the associated anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology
  • Identify appropriate interventions
  • Increase the knowledge, skill, and confidence of emergency nurses and other nurses caring for trauma patients
Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
07/24/2023 - 7:30am CDT
Event ends: 
07/25/2023 - 12:00pm CDT


Children's Business Campus
5901 Lincoln Dr.
Edina, MN 55436
United States

Venue Details:

  • Visitors and employees should utilize the parking ramp at the bottom of the hill when they arrive. Parking up top is reserved for visitors but often fills up fast on certain days. We try to keep that area open for visiting Foundations donors and committee meeting attendees or visitors/employees needing special accommodation due to physical limitations or injury.
  • Enter through the lower level employee entrance across from the parking ramp. For visitors who do not have badge access, pick up the phone just inside the doors and let Security know you are there for the Sim Center. All employees have badge access to this door.
  • Most classes will meet in the Improve classrooms on the left as you enter the lower level of the CBC employee entrance. The Sim Center is located to the right on this floor. While visiting the Sim Center, please refrain from wandering outside of the immediate simulation area unless accompanied by a Sim Center or ERTC staff member.
  • Please plan to arrive early for temperature checks. A thermometer is available at the entryway desk.
  • A refrigerator will be available to store your lunch if you bring it, the cafeteria is currently closed.


Janet Logid, MAN, RN, NPD-BC, CPEN

Register/Take course


Please login or register to take this course.

Required Hardware/software

4 weeks prior to class, participant will receive an information email from ENA on how to access the pre-learns and register for the day 2 skills sessions. Completion of the course requires successful passing of the TNP skills assessment and completion of an online open book exam post class. Books will be mailed to registrant's residence.